This is an open meeting available to trans or non-gender conforming individuals interested in the Alcoholics Anonymous program of recovery from alcoholism. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers. The meeting includes discussion, literature, speakers, and steps.
AA One Sparkle at a Time
Make a Donation
Join the Movement
January 19 ( 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm )
Upcoming Events
Seeking the Solution (Women)
March 7 @ 6:00 pm
This is a Big Book discussion meeting for women. Closed meetings are for A.A. members only or for those who have a drinking problem and �...
AA Nooner
March 8 @ 12:00 pm
An open AA meeting that meets from 12:00 - 1:00 pm, seven days a week, in person at the Center. This group welcomes all newcomers with op...